31st Sunday of the Year (C):
29th/30th October 2016

Deacon Kevin writes:

The clergy of the diocese met recently to discuss the working of the Stewards of the Gospel within our parishes. We met in groups to discuss the subject and the programme before returning to put forward our suggestions and ideas. One of the groups spoke very prominently, firmly stating their belief that the foremost concern must be ways of promoting an environment of vocations for our diocese, with the Priesthood as top priority. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has said "when it comes to promoting vocations in the Church it all begins with an encounter with God - and that pastoral ministry in the area should focus on listening to youth and being there to answer their questions". The Pope went on to recall his gratitude and thanks for they way in which he strongly felt the call to the Lord.

As a parish do we give the time to listen to our young or are we too caught up in our own affairs? What do we do to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life? Before every Mass and Communion Service, we light our candle for vocations which is situated by the Tabernacle at St. Augustine's. Standing by the side is the Prayer for vocations.

Bishop Alan has commented that we have some excellent seminarians including Michael Barwick. Vocational ministry, Pope Francis says, "means learning the style of Jesus who went to the places of daily life, stopped without rushing and, looking upon his brothers and sisters with mercy, led them to an encounter with God the father."

All of us have a duty to foster and pray for vocations.

Prayer for Vocations

God Our Father, you sent your Son Jesus into the world and he in turn, through the Holy Spirit, sent the Apostles and their successors to continue your work as teacher, Priest and Shepherd.
We ask you to choose from among us in our diocese Priests, Deacons, Brothers and Sisters who will willingly give their lives in your service and seek to make you better known and loved.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Deacon Kevin


Please remember to pray for:

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died: Damian de Souza

Years Mind:
Sunday: Fr Thomas Bishop
Monday: Fr Richard Gay
Friday: Peter Geddes

For Reflection …

You will show me the path of life, the fullness of joy in your presence, O Lord

Next Sunday - 32nd Sunday of the Year (C)

First Reading 2 Maccabees 7:1-2. 9-14
A mother and her seven sons suffer martyrdom because of loyalty to God's law and belief in the resurrection of the dead.

Second Reading 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5
Paul urges his friends to find comfort and hope in the love that Father and Son have shown them.

Gospel Luke 20:27-38
An absurd question prompts Jesus to speak of the resurrection of the dead.