19th/20th November 2016

Fr Nick writes:

On the final Sunday of the liturgical year we celebrate the kingship of Christ: a fitting end to the Church's year. The liturgy for today makes clear, however, that Christ's kingship has little to do with the exercise of monarchical power in a worldly sense.

In the first reading today from the second book of Samuel, David is chosen as the undisputed king of Israel by all the tribes at Hebron. David was God's choice; people agree that he alone is fit to lead God's people. In the second reading from Colossians we hear that The Son of God is the image of the unseen God, the firstborn of all creation, the one who existed before anything was created. In the Gospel today The kingship of Jesus is recognised by the unlikeliest of people: a self-confessed criminal who admits he deserves to die for what he has done.

As we come to the end of another liturgical year so we also come to the end of my time as your Priest. Today I shall have said my last Mass as Priest-in-Charge at St Augustine's. No doubt you will have expected me to stay longer than the four years I have been here, but circumstances are such that now is the right time for me to go, and I go with the full support and blessing of Bishop Alan.

What usually happens in the Catholic church when a priest leaves is that another priest takes his place the following Sunday. However, this is not possible on this occasion because there is a shortage of priests in our diocese and there is nobody free to move to Springfield. I realise that this may be a time of uncertainty, but remember that God always has a plan and knows what he is doing: your part is to pray and be faithful.

There will be a priest to celebrate the three weekend Masses, and this will be organised by Abbot Hugh at OLI. It is not possible to cover the daily Masses during the week, but Mass is celebrated locally at Blessed Sacrament Tues-Fri 9.15am, Holy Name Mon 7.30pm, OLI Tues,Wed, Thurs 12.30pm, Fri 9.30am, Sat 9.00am

As there are only three masses each week there is only room for two Intentions per week (one is for the People of the Parish), so if you have requested a Mass Intention it may be a while before that Mass can be said.

There will be other services at St Augustine's:
Mon 9.30am Service of the Word and Holy Communion
Wed 7.30pm Evening Prayer
Thurs & Fri 9.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (a time of adoration and prayer)
Sat 11-12 Sacrament of Reconciliation at OLI

For urgent pastoral needs please contact Deacon Kevin or the Norbertines at OLI.

It has been a privilege to be your priest for the last four years. Pam and I thank you for your support and prayers; please continue to pray for us as we will pray for you. I look forward particularly to hearing how the Stewards of the Gospel process develops in the parish.

We move from the Presbytery to Witham on 12 December and our address will be Sycamore House, Spinks Lane, Witham CM8 1EP.

With our love and best wishes

Fr Nick & Pam


Please remember to pray for:

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Fr James Linburgh
Monday: Brian Lynch
Wednesday: Mgr Edward Watson, Fr Martin Hancock
Thursday: Valentine and Nazera Nasser
Friday: Christopher Michael Rees
Saturday: Fr Anthony Robson
Sunday: Fr John Aydon

For Reflection …

God has called you and he will not fail you

1 Thessalonians 5:24

Next Sunday - First Sunday of Advent (A)

First Reading Isaiah 2:1-5
Isaiah has a vision in which all peoples will stream to the Temple of the Lord, and he will establish a kingdom where there will be no more war.

Second Reading Romans 13:11-14
Paul urges the Romans to give up the ways of the night and to live sober lives in the light of the day.

Gospel Matthew 24:37-44
Jesus urges his disciples to remain awake and ready for the coming of the Son of Man.