12th/13th August 2017

Dear Parishioner,

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year (A)

In today's Gospel reading from Matthew (14: 22 - 33) even at times of apparent absence, God is present. He comes to our aid, even if we cannot recognise him. We can sometimes be looking for him in the wrong places or experiences. So it was with Elijah in today's first reading (1 Kings, 19-9, 11-3). Elijah is tired and confused, and possibly depressed. How often in our own lives we are confused and lost. The people have turned away from God and persecuted the prophets and he feels abandoned and afraid. In the gentlest way possible, the Lord God becomes present to him in his disorientation and calms his anxieties. We too must always put our cares and concerns with the Lord who will always help us.

In the Gospel Matthew relates an incident that is clearly symbolic. The boat represents the Church; the disciples are beaten by the winds and waves of persecution. Jesus is not with them physically; he is in heaven, praying to the Father. However, in the hour of need he comes to them, and with his presence calms their fears and brings them peace. Jesus Christ is always present in our own lives. We only have to ask him and put our cares and concerns with him and he will guide us.

On Tuesday (15th August) we celebrate the solemn feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a holy day of obligation and Mass will be at 10.30 and 7.00 pm at St. Augustine's. Mary was a humble person. Humble people care nothing for acclaim. They receive praise and honour the way a clean window receives the light of the sun. The brighter and more intense the light is, the less you see of the glass. It retains nothing of the light for itself but lets it all shine through. Mary attributed everything to God: 'The almighty has done great things for me; holy is his name.' Mary will help us to be humble, open and trusting before God. Then God will enrich us, and we too will sing his praises.

God bless,

Deacon Kevin

Pope Francis's intention for AUGUST:

"That artists of our time, through their creativity, may help us discover the beauty of creation."


Please remember to pray for:

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died: Derrick Hands

Years Mind:
Sunday: Naik Kerfone
Monday: Fr Stephen Keane
Friday: Fr Peter Prendergast
Saturday: Norman Anthony, Fr Vincent Hurley, Fr Andrew Hurley


First Reading Isaiah 56: 1,6-7
I will bring foreigners to my holy mountain.

Second Reading Romans 11: 13-15,29-32
With Israel, God never takes back his gifts or revokes his choice.

Gospel Matthew 15:21-28
Woman, you have great faith.