9th/10th September 2017

Dear Parishioners,

The readings for the coming two Sundays give us many deep thoughts for our reflection. We are asked to reflect on our very basic human relations. With focus on correcting our fellow human beings, loving them and culminating in the greatest act of forgiving, based on the greatest mercy we all have received from our lord Jesus Christ.

God reminds us that it is our duty to correct our brothers and sisters. We cannot just disregard the wickedness happening around us and be silent. Through prophet Ezekiel, God says, "If you do not speak to the wicked man, I will hold you responsible for his death". In the gospel of Matthew Jesus tells us that we have to take all the efforts to correct the wrong done by the other. We should be patient in correcting and winning back our fellow human being.

St. Paul in his letter to the Romans reminds us, "If you love your fellow men you have carried out your obligations". The greatest obligation of every human being is that of LOVE. If we love the other, we cannot do any wrong to them. All the other commandments God has given us will be very easy to follow if we can really love without reservations. Thus REAL LOVE will make the world a better place of peaceful co-existence.

Finally, the greatest command to forgive the one who wrongs you, reminds us of the need to practice forgiveness in our daily living. Jesus reminds us that we are not to count how many times we have forgiven. The call of Jesus is to forgive innumerable times. He reminds us that we cannot put a limit to our forgiveness, as we have received forgiveness and mercy of our Lord without any conditions. We are to give to the other as we have received. If we cannot give to the other as we receive, we will be held accountable before the lord.

So let us make our community and society a better heaven with our FRATERNAL CORRECTION, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. May God bless us all.


Fr Sabu Pariyadan RCJ


Please remember to pray for:

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died: Flora Noronha

Years Mind:
Monday: Fr Charles Johnson, Fr Conrad Smith
Wednesday: Naik Kerfone, Fr Theophilus Borer, Abp George Andrew Beck, Fr James Hemming, Deacon Arthur Woods
Thursday: Fr Louis Heston
Saturday: Fr John Bergin
Sunday: Fr Anthony Mayston


First Reading: Ecclesiasticus 27:30-28:7
Forgive your neighbour the hurt that he does you, and when you pray, your sins will be forgiven.

Second Reading: Romans 14:7-9
Alive or dead we belong to the Lord.

Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35
I do not tell you to forgive seven times, but seventy seven times.