14th/15th October 2017

Dear Parishioners,

Today's Scripture readings offer us a standing invitation to the everlasting joy of the Heavenly banquet and a loving warning to stay ever ready for this Heavenly banquet by constantly wearing the wedding garment i.e., remaining in a state of grace. All three readings describe how a loving and providing God sees to it that there is abundant food for His people.

In the first reading, Isaiah describes the Messianic banquet on the Lord's mountain in the Holy City of Jerusalem, which Yahweh is preparing for His people. The "good news" is that it is a great feast of "rich Jood and choice wines." But for the children of Israel the "bad news" is that Yahweh invites all people, including Gentiles, to the banquet.

Today's Responsorial Psalm (Ps 23), presents God as the Good Shepherd Who nourishes, leads and protects His flock.

In the second reading, St. Paul advises the Philippians to put their trust in the power and goodness of a providing God, Who, in Jesus, has given His Church everything needed to enable His followers to participate in the Heavenly banquet.

In today's Gospel, by telling an allegoric parable of judgment in the Temple of Jerusalem two days before his arrest, Jesus accuses the Jewish religious and civil leaders of rejecting God's invitation to the Heavenly banquet given through him, God's Son. They have rejected the invitation by not listening to the Good News preached by Jesus and by not reforming their lives. This invitation was repeatedly extended to Israel through the prophets, including John the Baptist. But the leadership contemporary with Jesus rejected the reality that Jesus was the fulfilment of all prophecy, refused to accept God's invitation to righteous living given through John the Baptist and through Jesus, and is now planning to kill God's own Son, Jesus. Hence, God is inviting the sinners and Gentiles for His banquet, and that is why Jesus is keeping the company of sinners.

We are reminded today of the need to keep wearing the wedding garment of holiness and righteousness and remain in a state of grace. So let us participate in the Eucharistic banquet with proper preparation by repenting of our sins and by actively participating in the prayers and singing during the Holy Mass.


Fr Sabu Pariyadan RCJ


Please remember to pray for:

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Denise Murray, Fr Roderick Grant
Monday: Fr Christopher Creede
Wednesday: Mary Kate Coyne, Theresa Low
Friday: Fr Bernard Clay
Sunday: Fr William O'Neill


First Reading: Isaiah 45:1,4-6
I have taken Cyrus by his right hand to subdue nations before him.

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5
We constantly remember your faith, your love and your hope.

Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21
Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar-and to God what belongs to God.