(World Day of Prayer for Vocations)
21st/22nd April 2018

Dear Parishioner

Good Shepherd Sunday

Today's first reading is from Acts (4:8-12). In Chapter 3 (last Sunday's reading), Peter and John cure a crippled man in the temple precincts and Peter explains to the witnessing crowd who Jesus is and that this man was healed in His name. In today's reading, the two are quickly hauled before an angry Sanhedrin who demands an explanation for their ranting about the resurrection of the executed Jesus. Peter responds that, in healing the man in the name of Jesus, God manifests the same power he revealed in raising Jesus from the dead. The healing of the crippled man is a sign of God's salvation of all who believe.

The responsorial Psalm 118 is a thanksgiving for God's great love manifested in raising Jesus from the dead.

The second reading from 1 John 3:1-2 teaches us that to 'acknowledge' God is to love one another as he loves us as his sons and daughters. To 'acknowledge' God's love makes us more than just faithful adherents and transforms us into 'children' of the God that Jesus revealed as 'Father'.

In the Gospel reading from John, Jesus cared for his flock, knowing that it would cost him his life. He continues to shepherd us. It behoves us to listen to his voice and to come to know him as well as he knows us. Jesus lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand will run away at the first sign of danger. The result of his running away is that the sheep are scattered. As we consider this in our day, we can see that many Christians have been scattered. As we listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd and come to him, we will be reunited.

Today is world day of prayer for vocations. In our diocese we have eight seminarians, including Michael Barwick, studying for the priesthood as well as students studying for the diaconate. As I look back on my own calling, 33 years ago, it was a priest friend who suggested had I ever thought of the diaconate. My first reaction was to say 'no'. However on reflecting, praying about it and discussing it with my family I was accepted by Bishop Thomas and so began my training. I thank God for the gift of that vocation.

God bless,

Deacon Kevin.

Prayer for vocations

Lord, You call us by name with the words first spoken on the shore of Galilee, "Follow me." Breathe deep within us the gifts of your Holy Spirit and help us to have the wisdom to hear your call, the courage to answer it and the faith to live it. May we continue to pray for vocations daily to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life within our diocese. In the chapel at St. Augustine's we light a candle daily for vocations.

Please pray for our Confirmation candidates: Laura, Isabel, Adam, James, Christian and Sebi who will be confirmed by Bishop Alan on Wednesday April 25th at the 7.30 pm Mass. All of you will have a chance to meet the Bishop after Mass.


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Fr Thomas Smith
Monday: Saloman and Zady Saad
Tuesday: Fr Simon Sullivan
Wednesday: Fr Myles O'Reilly
Friday: Mgr George Stokes
Sunday: Fr Brian O'Higgins

Next Sunday - 5th Sunday of Easter (B)

First Reading: Acts 9:26-31
Barnabas explained how the Lord had appeared to Saul on his journey.

Second Reading: 1 John 3:18-24
His commandments are these: that we believe in his Son and that we love one another.

Gospel: John 15:1-8
Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty.