23rd/24th June 2018

Dear Parishioner

Today we celebrate the solemnity feast of Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Born six months before Our Lord, St. John the Baptist was the son of St. Zechariah and St. Elizabeth. He was the last and greatest of the prophets and, as the forerunner of the Saviour, he prepared for the coming of Christ. The celebration of his earthly birthday marks the coming of the new dispensation.

The first reading from Isaiah (49:1-6) is the second of the four 'servant oracles'. It is not clear whether the prophet is speaking about the Emmanuel figure he envisions or the prophet himself. Many of the images in this reading mirror the gospel account of John and preaching and baptising at the Jordan. The Responsorial Psalm 138 celebrates the delicate care with which God creates the human body and the profound and intimate relationship between God and his faithful, from the moment of an individual's conception through his or her journey through time. This image of God 'knows' us 'in (our) mother's womb' is a central theme in the readings for this solemnity of the birth of John the Baptist. In the second reading from the Acts, we see Paul's first address to the people of Antioch. He begins his discourse on Jesus with John the Baptist, who heralded Jesus' coming with his preaching of a 'baptism of repentance'.

In the Gospel today Zechariah is asked what he wishes to name his newborn. Zachariah writes on a tablet, 'His name is John'.

Please pray for me as I pray for you.

God bless

Deacon Kevin


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Tuesday: Fr James Dacey
Friday: Fr James Hawes


First Reading: Wisdom 1:13-15
It was the devil's envy that brought death into the world.

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7,9,13-15
In giving relief to others, balance what happens to be your surplus now against their present need.

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
Little girl, I tell you to get up.