20th January 2019
Peace Day

Dear Parishioner,

On this second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) we are asked to pray for peace within our homes and family, in our parish and in the troubled areas of the world. Often we see and hear on the news terrible destruction caused by war. We feel inadequate but each one of us should and must pray for peace daily.

In the Gospel reading Jesus was at the wedding in Cana when he changed water into wine. There are many things in our spiritual lives that should be changed. Jesus' power is available to us too. Let us reflect on our need of his power in order to change things in our lives that need to be changed.

The first reading from the prophet Isaiah contains a message of hope for God's people at one of the lowest moments in their history. Jerusalem lay in ruins. The city's plight reflected that of the nation as a whole. Israel, once God's bride, was now like a widow bereft of children. However, her husband, God, has not forgotten her. There will be a new wedding feast, and God and his people will be like newlyweds again.

In the Gospel reading John depicts Mary as involved the beginning of Jesus' ministry, and again at the end of it when she is present at the foot of the Cross. Mary is thus associated with the whole of his ministry.

God bless,

Deacon Kevin.


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died: Val Barrett, Debbie Bragg

Years Mind:
Sunday: Fr John Meehan
Monday: Bp Bernard Ward, Fr Christopher Quirke
Tuesday: Fiona Cowling, Pope Benedict XV
Wednesday: Bp Arthur Doubleday
Thursday: Fr John O'Sullivan
Friday: Fr John Hibbert
Saturday: Alfred Field, Bp Patrick Casey


First Reading: Nehemiah 8-10
Ezra read from the law of God and the people understood what was read.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30
You together are Christ's body; but each of you is a different part of it.

Gospel: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
This text is being fulfilled today.