18th August 2019

Dear Parishioner,

This weekend our readings remind us of the love, forgiveness and embrace that God wants to give us. At first glance they may seem difficult to read but when we look a little closer God is offering us so much more. The second reading reminds of us our sinfulness but that isn't a bad thing because we are also reminded and encouraged that God wants us to receive forgiveness through Him so we are united with Him. He is there always waiting for us to give everything to Him.

In the psalm we read "Lord, come to my aid!" This verse is prayed every day by those who pray the divine office, the universal prayer of the Church. This is a wonderful prayer that each of us can use every day when we need the strength of God in our day to day tasks.

In the Gospel today Jesus talks of division as the message He gives isn't always an easy one to accept and follow. This is true of our own time, we have our catholic faith and a lot of people in the world will reject this. We are Christ's witnesses in the world and in moments of trial or difficulty in our own work places or homes, let us pray to God and ask for strength, "Lord, come to my aid"

At the end of the month I shall return to seminary to enter into my 5th year of formation. During this year I shall begin my dissertation, continue my studies and deepen my prayer life as I prepare to be ordained a deacon in June 2020. Time has gone by very quickly but know that I am always so grateful for the support and prayers that you all give me.

I will continue to pray for you as a parish and keep up the wonderful work and service that you do for each other.

God bless,



Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Canon Peter Prendergast
Monday: Canon Vincent Hurley, Fr Andrew Hurley
Thursday: Fr George Gresley, Fr Sean Sheils
Friday: Frank Hyland, Canon Vincent Cameron
Sunday: Tony Cornish, Mr Anthony Saloman Saad


First Reading: Isaiah 66:18-21
They will bring all your brothers from all the nations.

Second Reading: Hebrews 12:5-7,11-13
The Lord trains the one that he loves.

Gospel: Luke 13:22-30
Men from the east and west will come to take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.