20th March 2022

Dear Parishioner

'What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet', asks Juliet all the while knowing that it is precisely Romeo's name that is the problem, and it is his name that will inevitably bring about a tragic result. The reality is that names are very important - that is why we hate the idea of simply being 'a number' in society.

The passage from Exodus of Moses at the burning bush is significant precisely because of the revelation of God's name changes the relationship between God and his people. Much has been written by scholars about the actual way of understanding the enigmatic name that God shares with Moses, but the importance is that, knowing God's name puts the people in a unique relationship with him.

All human relationships are different when we know the name of the person we encounter, and often we will adopt nicknames or pet names which express something special about that relationship. In the Scriptures, Abram, Sarai, Simon and Saul are all given new names to express their new identity as those entrusted with God's work. So we should recognise that when we begin Mass or prayer, we begin 'In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit' - something which expresses the very nature of our relationship with the God who comes to us as Trinity.

The Gospel is one of the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels that is unique to Luke. It is very appropriate text for Lent as it challenges its hearers to take the call to repentance seriously. At the same time, the parable of the fig tree, offers hope that there is still time for that repentance to be effective and produce the fruit required.

Fr Jijo George


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Fr Sidney Williams
Wednesday: Canon Arthur Holmes
Friday: Fr John Sherlock
Saturday: Colin Bennett, Mgr Canon Alfred Gilbey, Fr Denis Hall
Sunday: Leia Iago