'Laetare Sunday'
27th March 2022

Dear Parishioner

The fourth Sunday of Lent marks the midpoint in the Lenten preparation for Easter. Traditionally, it is called Laetare Sunday (Rejoice Sunday). The liturgical authors call it the "anticipatory joy" - reminding us that we are moving swiftly toward the end of our Lenten fast, and looking up to the joy of Easter.

This Sunday is set aside for us to recollect God's kindness and to rejoice over it. In manifold ways death has visited us (Pandemic), but God's grace has sustained us and we have come to life again; we have been lost but have now been found. We have every reason to rejoice and each of the three readings brings out the different aspects of this anticipatory joy of Easter.

In the first reading, the Chosen People of God are portrayed as celebrating, for the first time in their own land, the feast of their freedom. Their joy is one of ending, the wandering and the fulfilment of the promises of Yahweh to them. In today's responsorial Psalm, the joyful Psalmist invites us to "glorify the Lord with him and extol Lords Name!" because he says, "I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears!"

The second reading joyfully proclaims the effect of Jesus' saving act as the reconciliation of all peoples to the Father.

In the Gospel, God's loving mercy is presented by Jesus in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Three characters in the parable, the younger son, elder son, and their father, intertwine a beautiful story of sin, envy, and mercy. It is really the Parable of the Forgiving Father, the story of Divine love and mercy for us sinners, a love that is almost beyond belief. The common theme of joy resulting from reconciliation with God and other human beings is announced to all of us present in this Church - an assembly of sinful people, now ready to receive God's forgiveness and His Personal Presence as a forgiving God in the Holy Eucharist.

Fr Jijo George


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Sunday: Leia Iago
Tuesday: Fr Joseph Tuohey
Thursday: Canon William Toft