3rd July 2022

Dear Parishioner

Today's Scriptures remind us that announcing the Good News of the Kingdom by words, deeds and life is not the task of only a few. Rather, it is a task for all baptized Christians.

In the first reading, Isaiah sees the city of Jerusalem as the prototype of the rejoicing Church - the Church who comforts her children, "as a mother comforts her baby son". He assures his listeners that they live in the certainty of Yahweh's promises of love, protection, prosperity and salvation. In today's second reading (Galatians 6:14-18), Paul clearly teaches that it was Jesus' death on the cross which brings one salvation and not a Jewish heritage. He reminds us that every Christian is called to be a "new creature", and that the mission of each member of the Church is to bear witness to the saving power of the cross of Christ through a life of sacrificial, self-giving service.

Today's Gospel, taken from the Gospel of Luke, describes, in Jesus' commissioning of 72 disciples to preach the Gospel in towns and villages in preparation for his visit, the fulfilment of the prophetic promise made by Isaiah. They must be walking witnesses of God's providence by relying on the hospitality of others, living very simple lives, preaching the Good News and healing the sick. Today's Gospel reminds us that every Christian has the same mission of evangelisation.

We need to continue the preaching mission as faithful Christians. We are invited to extend our faith to others by leading exemplary lives. This is our vocation and our responsibility. We need to avoid giving the counter-witness to our faith by following and accepting in faith the teachings authority of the Church magisterium. Let us begin by evangelizing our own families by our own exemplary Christian lives, by loving and respecting each other, by bringing up children in the spirit of obedience and service, by teaching them to forgive and be persistent in prayer and bless others at all times.

Fr Jijo George


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Monday: Fr Patrick Curran
Tuesday: Fr Patrick Carthy
Wednesday: Canon Thomas Barrett
Friday: Fr Peter Brady
Saturday: Canon Francis Gilbert
Sunday: Fr Walter Walsh