17th July 2022

Dear Parishioner

In today's gospel Luke gives an account of a remarkable and beautiful incident in Jesus' life. Some claim that the Mary before us today is Mary Magdalene, but scholars think that it's unlikely to be the same person, instead believing this woman to be a different Mary. What is clear is that, like Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany loved the Lord. In this account, she didn't wash his feet with her weeping or anoint his body with expensive nard; instead, she showed that one thing was needed: to sit at the Master's feet and learn from him.

There has always been a tension between the contemplative and apostolic arms of the Church. The contemplatives are accused of being too focused on prayer; whereas those engaged in the apostolate are criticized for being too preoccupied with social action and not placing enough emphasis on the interior life. Of course, this is overly simplistic, but, nevertheless, there's an element of truth in it.

It is, however, hard not to feel some sympathy for Martha, who here embodies the apostolic approach. She has no airs and graces, and is a worker, not a shirker. Clearly both women were serving the Lord, but Mary, in Jesus' own words, was doing it in a better way. This doesn't mean that what Martha was doing wasn't good or noble, or even the right thing for her to be doing; it simply means that ultimately, sitting at the Lord's feet and learning from him, who is humble and gentle of heart is the goal of our faith.

The great saints of the Church did not hesitate to serve others practically. It was said of St. Catherine of Genoa, for example, that she used to be so preoccupied in prayer that she appeared to be in a trance. However, if others needed her she would stop praying immediately to respond. Pope Francis is calling us all to serve others in a spirit of love and charity, but this must first be rooted in prayer and hearing God speak through his Word.

Lord, grant me your peace and clarity so that I may, like Mary, sit at your feet every day and learn from you.

God bless you all.

Deacon Kevin.


Please remember to pray for:

Daily for the sick clergy of our Diocese

The sick and housebound

Those who have recently died

Years Mind:
Tuesday: Fr Edmund Dobson
Thursday: Fr Patrick Taylor
Friday: Deacon David Balmer