- Inside St. Augustine
Circular East Window

This window was made for the new extension (2007) to St Augustine's. It is made from thick fused glass fired on a
bed of sand which gives it a rough texture. It is a modern representation of the Canterbury Cross in the colour of the
rising sun.

The Tabernacle is the central feature in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. It contains the Blessed Sacrament and is one of
the main focuses of prayer in the church. At the base of the Tabernacle stand is a copy of Rubliev's icon of The
Holy Trinity (Genesis: 18: 1-15). The empty seat at the table, and the 'reverse perspective' draw us in to
share in the Eucharist.
St Augustines Banner

This banner was made by Mrs Giulia Roberts. It depicts the ship bringing the missionary St Augustine to
Statue of Our Lady

There are many titles given to Our Lady. This image is that of MADONNA DELLA STRADA (Our Lady of our Streets). This
title accounts for why she is depicted as an ordinary nineteenth century peasant woman. The following was written by
Pope Benedict XVI:
Let us pray to her, our holy Mother,
so that she may help us to open our entire being, always more to Christ's presence;
so that she may help us to follow him faithfully, day by day, on the streets of our life. Amen.
The statue was donated to the church in 1987 by Rev Deacon Kevin and Mrs Catherine Lyons in memory of their parents:
Joseph and Hannah Lyons and William and Rosaleen Mann.
Rainbow Stained Glass Window

This window was installed in the church to mark the Millennium. It represents God's covenant with Noah. It is made
up of all the colours of the rainbow and contains a representation of the dove with an olive branch in its beak. It is
appropriately sited on the south wall of the church by the Tabernacle which contains the Blessed Sacrament – the
new Covenant, Christ himself.
The inscription is: "Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. AD 2000".
Stone Canterbury Cross

This stone cross – an exact replica of the original ancient Celtic cross found in Canterbury – was
presented to St Augustine's by Canterbury Cathedral at the time of the building of the 2007 extension. It is
fashioned from a piece of old masonry from the Cathedral.
Hyde Park Candle

This candle was blessed by Pope Benedict XVI at the Vigil Service in Hyde Park during his pilgrimage to Britain in
September 2010. It bears the inscription: "Heart Speaks to Heart" – the motto of Blessed John Henry
Newman. The candle burns before the ambo during Mass.

The reliquary, carved by a prisoner at Chelmsford Prison in the form of a Canterbury Cross, contains relics of St
Augustine, St Catherine of Sienna, St Teresa of Avila and St Aloysius Gonzaga. It is placed on the altar during Mass.
At other times it is kept in a tabernacle in the Sacristry.
Move your mouse over parts of the church to learn about its points of interest.